Anti Kanto Wiki

NOTE: This page is always under construction, as changes happen in updates to AlteRed and more and more mons get changed for Varia Blue, some of the information below may not be accurate to your current version, such as names or types.

The Cosmic type is an addition to Varia Blue that is not present in AlteRed. The Pokemon that have this type have their old types listed on their respective wiki pages.

And if you came to this page and wanted to play the game yourself, mosey on over to Pokemon AlteRed Download!

List of Pokémon

Generation 1: Kanto

Dex no. Pokémon Type
#001 Burnasaur Burnasaur Fire Fire
#002 Embersaur Embersaur Fire Fire
#003 Vulcasaur Vulcasaur Fire Fire
#004 Seamander Seamander Water Water
#005 Seameleon Seameleon Water Water
#006 Sealizard Sealizard Water Water
#007 Fertle Fertle Grass Grass
#008 Rootortle Rootortle Grass Grass
#009 Grasstoise Grasstoise Grass Grass
#010 Caterpebb Caterpebb Rock Rock
#011 Minepod Minepod Rock Rock
#012 Boulderfree Boulderfree Rock Flying
#013 Geodle Geodle Rock Poison
#014 Prikuna Prikuna Rock Poison
#015 Bristrill Bristrill Rock Poison
#016 Fridgey Fridgey Ice Flying
#017 Fridgeotto Fridgeotto Ice Flying
#018 Fridgeot Fridgeot Ice Flying
#019 Ghastata Ghastata Ghost Ghost
#020 Ghasticate Ghasticate Ghost Ghost
#021 Spearolt Spearolt Electric Flying
#022 Fearolt Fearolt Electric Flying
#023 Mechans Mechans Steel Steel
#024 Mecharbok Mecharbok Steel Dragon
#025 Pikacoal Pikacoal Ground Fire
#026 Raicoal Raicoal Ground Fire
#027 Bushrew Bushrew Grass Grass
#028 Bushlash Bushlash Grass Grass
#029 Boxiran F Boxiran F Normal Normal
#030 Boxirina Boxirina Normal Normal
#031 Boxiqueen Boxiqueen Normal Fighting
#032 Boxiran M Boxiran M Normal Normal
#033 Boxirino Boxirino Normal Normal
#034 Boxiking Boxiking Normal Fighting
#035 Clefair Clefair Flying Flying
#036 Inflable Inflable Flying Flying
#037 Vulstyx Vulstyx Dark Dark
#038 Sinistales Sinistales Dark Dark
#039 Piderpuff Piderpuff Bug Bug
#040 Tarantuff Tarantuff Bug Bug
#041 Sinjbat Sinjbat Fire Flying
#042 Volbat Volbat Fire Flying
#043 Odprong Odprong Steel Electric
#044 Turboon Turboon Steel Electric
#045 Panelplume Panelplume Steel Electric
#046 Faaras Faaras Psychic Bug
#047 Omnisiect Omnisiect Psychic Bug
#048 Fernonat Fernonat Grass Grass
#049 Fernomoth Fernomoth Grass Grass
#050 Nimbett Nimbett Flying Flying
#051 Stratrio Stratrio Flying Flying
#052 Meowxie Meowxie Fairy Fairy
#053 Magisian Magisian Fairy Fairy
#054 Sluduck Sluduck Poison Poison
#055 Taintuck Taintuck Poison Ghost
#056 Mankember Mankember Fire Fire
#057 Flameape Flameape Fire Fire
#058 Iolithe Iolithe Electric Electric
#059 Ionnine Ionnine Electric Electric
#060 Mandiwag Mandiwag Bug Ghost
#061 Mandiwhirl Mandiwhirl Bug Ghost
#062 Mandiwrath Mandiwrath Bug Ghost
#063 Stabra Stabra Dark Dark
#064 Cutabra Cutabra Dark Dark
#065 Shinigazam Shinigazam Dark Dark
#066 Zenchop Zenchop Psychic Psychic
#067 Zenchoke Zenchoke Psychic Fighting
#068 Zenchamp Zenchamp Psychic Fighting
#069 Bellpowder Bellpowder Fire Fire
#070 Cannonbell Cannonbell Fire Fire
#071 Chernobell Chernobell Fire Fire
#072 Tentapunch Tentapunch Fighting Poison
#073 Tentabrawl Tentabrawl Fighting Poison
#074 Aquadude Aquadude Water Water
#075 Coraller Coraller Water Water
#076 Golacier Golacier Water Ice
#077 Ponytamp Ponytamp Water Water
#078 Rapidouse Rapidouse Water Water
#079 Slowslab Slowslab Rock Rock
#080 Slowsidian Slowsidian Rock Dark
#081 Stalagmite Stalagmite Ice Ice
#082 Stalagton Stalagton Ice Ice
#083 Fargan'c Fargan'c Grass Flying
#084 Drillduo Drillduo Ground Ground
#085 Drilldrio Drilldrio Ground Steel
#086 Seeloon Seeloon Fairy Fairy
#087 Dewloon Dewloon Fairy Fairy
#088 Grimag Grimag Fire Fire
#089 Mukma Mukma Fire Rock
#090 Celesder Celesder Cosmic Cosmic
#091 Cloystar Cloystar Cosmic Cosmic
#092 Goomly Goomly Normal Normal
#093 Paragoomer Paragoomer Normal Flying
#094 Goomgar Goomgar Normal Flying
#095 Eelix Eelix Water Electric
#096 Ectozee Ectozee Ghost Poison
#097 Hypnoplasm Hypnoplasm Ghost Poison
#098 Krabbune Krabbune Ground Ground
#099 Kraggler Kraggler Ground Ground
#100 Frientorb Frientorb Fairy Fairy
#101 Luxutrode Luxutrode Fairy Steel
#102 Swarmute Swarmute Bug Bug
#103 Exeggunest Exeggunest Bug Grass
#104 Cublade Cublade Dragon Fighting
#105 Bladowak Bladowak Dragon Fighting
#106 Crustenga Crustenga Rock Rock
#107 Crustone Crustone Rock Rock
#108 Lickoral Lickoral Rock Water
#109 Sparking Sparking Dark Electric
#110 Shocking Shocking Dark Electric
#111 Drachorn Drachorn Dragon Dragon
#112 Dracdon Dracdon Dragon Dragon
#113 Basiney Basiney Water Water
#114 Lazzmela Lazzmela Electric Electric
#115 Kankaghan Kankaghan Fighting Fighting
#116 Horsteed Horsteed Normal Normal
#117 Steedra Steedra Normal Normal
#118 Golbee Golbee Bug Flying
#119 Beeking Beeking Bug Flying
#120 Starite Starite Cosmic Rock
#121 Starau Starau Cosmic Rock
#122 Mr Mr. Melee Fighting Fighting
#123 Sickler Sickler Dark Dark
#124 Sirynx Sirynx Water Fairy
#125 Necrablast Necrablast Ghost Fire
#126 Plasgar Plasgar Electric Poison
#127 Mincir Mincir Steel Dark
#128 Taurice Taurice Ice Ice
#129 Chilikarp Chilikarp Fire Fire
#130 Flarados Flarados Fire Dragon
#131 Gunkpras Gunkpras Poison Rock
#132 Clayto Clayto Ground Ground
#133 33V33 33V33 Normal Normal
#134 Drilleon Drilleon Ground Ground
#135 Insecteon Insecteon Bug Bug
#136 Caireon Caireon Rock Rock
#137 Viragon Viragon Poison Poison
#138 Avalyte Avalyte Ice Ground
#139 Avaltar Avaltar Ice Ground
#140 Leviuto Leviuto Water Water
#141 Leviatops Leviatops Water Dragon
#142 Sykodactyl Sykodactyl Psychic Flying
#143 Snorsessed Snorsessed Ghost Ghost
#144 Cosmicuno Cosmicuno Cosmic Flying
#145 Mortaldos Mortaldos Dark Flying
#146 Spectres Spectres Ghost Flying
#147 Pixini Pixini Fairy Fairy
#148 Pixinair Pixinair Fairy Fairy
#149 Pixinite Pixinite Fairy Flying
#150 Mew Mew Normal Normal
#151 Mewzero Mewzero Dark Dark

Generation 2: Johto

Dex no. Pokémon Type
#152 Buryta Buryta Ground Ground
#153 Soileef Soileef Ground Ground
#154 Targanium Targanium Ground Ground
#155 Cyndasteam Cyndasteam Steel Steel
#156 Quichine Quichine Steel Steel
#157 Typhactory Typhactory Steel Steel
#158 Snowtodile Snowtodile Ice Ice
#159 Chillnaw Chillnaw Ice Ice
#160 Frostigatr Frostigatr Ice Ice
#161 Strentret Strentret Fighting Fighting
#162 Furrarm Furrarm Fighting Fighting
#163 Hoohoo Hoohoo Ice Flying
#164 Subzerowl Subzerowl Ice Ghost
#165 Ledybark Ledybark Grass Psychic
#166 Ledianch Ledianch Grass Psychic
#167 Shrubrak Shrubrak Grass Dark
#168 Scariados Scariados Grass Dark
#169 Explobat Explobat Fire Flying
#170 Fakeling Fakeling Normal Ground
#171 Fauxnimal Fauxnimal Normal Ground
#172 Dichu Dichu Ground Ground
#173 Cleffly Cleffly Flying Flying
#174 Buggabuff Buggabuff Bug Bug
#175 Togesi Togesi Water Water
#176 Togewave Togewave Water Water
#177 Notem Notem Rock Rock
#178 Xotem Xotem Rock Ghost
#179 Marsheep Marsheep Ground Ground
#180 Fwampy Fwampy Ground Ground
#181 Boggaros Boggaros Ground Ground
#182 Belandroid Belandroid Steel Steel
#183 Mariva Mariva Poison Fire
#184 Rojomariva Rojomariva Poison Fire
#185 Kung-foodo Kung-foodo Fighting Fighting
#186 Mandirit Mandirit Ghost Ghost
#187 Poppip Poppip Ice Ice
#188 Skipop Skipop Ice Ice
#189 Yumsicle Yumsicle Ice Ice
#190 Deejaypom Deejaypom Electric Electric
#191 Buckern Buckern Water Water
#192 Bucketta Bucketta Water Water
#193 Dronma Dronma Steel Flying
#194 Woopetal Woopetal Grass Grass
#195 Lattisire Lattisire Grass Grass
#196 Galeon Galeon Flying Flying
#197 Techneon Techneon Steel Steel
#198 Jovicrow Jovicrow Electric Fairy
#199 Slowspike Slowspike Rock Rock
#200 Blizdrevus Blizdrevus Fairy Ice
#201 Mystree Mystree Dark Dark
#202 Wobboogie Wobboogie Bug Bug
#203 Pegasegap Pegasegap Dark Flying
#204 Incenco Incenco Fire Fire
#205 Forreteor Forreteor Fire Rock
#206 Sparsilisk Sparsilisk Dragon Bug
#207 Glinger Glinger Bug Poison
#208 Eelectrix Eelectrix Water Electric
#209 Yarrbull Yarrbull Fighting Water
#210 Swashbull Swashbull Fighting Water
#211 Wilfortune Wilfortune Psychic ???
#212 Scizorch Scizorch Dark Fire
#213 Sheeple Sheeple Normal Normal
#214 Heratopus Heratopus Fairy Psychic
#215 Saisel Saisel Fighting Steel
#216 Thundursa Thundursa Electric Electric
#217 Thorsaring Thorsaring Electric Fighting
#218 Slugmuck Slugmuck Poison Poison
#219 Septicargo Septicargo Poison Steel
#220 Vinub Vinub Water Grass
#221 Marshwine Marshwine Water Grass
#222 Corest Corest Bug Grass
#223 Tremoraid Tremoraid Fire Fire
#224 Sootillery Sootillery Fire Fire
#225 Krampird Krampird Ghost Fairy
#226 Plagron Plagron Dragon Poison
#227 Sparkory Sparkory Electric Psychic
#228 Houndoon Houndoon Psychic Water
#229 Houndunami Houndunami Psychic Water
#230 Kingsdale Kingsdale Normal Normal
#231 Phandesite Phandesite Normal Normal
#232 Mounphan Mounphan Normal Rock
#233 Viragon-RN Viragon-RN Poison Poison
#234 Tartler Tartler Poison Water
#235 Smeargrin Smeargrin Fairy Fairy
#236 Crustyke Crustyke Rock Rock
#237 Crustop Crustop Rock Rock
#238 Smoochen Smoochen Water Water
#239 Necrite Necrite Ghost Ghost
#240 Plasby Plasby Electric Electric
#241 Vanilltank Vanilltank Ice Normal
#242 Blissea Blissea Water Water
#243 Jishinkou Jishinkou Ground Ground
#244 Pesutei Pesutei Poison Poison
#245 Hanacune Hanacune Grass Grass
#246 Sproutar Sproutar Grass Grass
#247 Brambitar Brambitar Grass Grass
#248 Forestar Forestar Grass Dragon
#249 Tectonia Tectonia Rock Fire
#250 Petra-Quae Petra-Quae Rock Water
#251 Parasi Parasi Bug Dark

Generation 3: Hoenn

Dex no. Pokémon Type
#252 Sneacko Sneacko Dark Dark
#253 Grospyril Grospyril Dark Dark
#254 Stryptile Stryptile Dark Dark
#255 Psichick Psichick Psychic Psychic
#256 Philosken Philosken Psychic Psychic
#257 Blaisiken Blaisiken Psychic Psychic
#258 Tuffkip Tuffkip Fighting Fighting
#259 Musclomp Musclomp Fighting Fighting
#260 Swolert Swolert Fighting Fighting
#261 Poochiever Poochiever Normal Fairy
#262 Mightriever Mightriever Normal Fairy
#263 Zigzagrub Zigzagrub Bug Electric
#264 Linode Linode Bug Electric
#265 Sediple Sediple Rock Rock
#266 Icikoon Icikoon Rock Ice
#267 Beautystal Beautystal Rock Ice
#268 Spikoon Spikoon Rock Steel
#269 Dusharp Dusharp Rock Steel
#270 Fevad Fevad Poison Poison
#271 Fuombre Fuombre Poison Fire
#272 Fiebrolo Fiebrolo Poison Fire
#273 Nutot Nutot Ice Fighting
#274 Nutmarch Nutmarch Ice Fighting
#275 Schelkutry Schelkutry Ice Fighting
#276 Pyllow Pyllow Fire Psychic
#277 Pyrokinnow Pyrokinnow Fire Psychic
#278 Lytningull Lytningull Ghost Electric
#279 Pelistorm Pelistorm Ghost Electric
#280 Mummalts Mummalts Ground Ghost
#281 Kiwrap Kiwrap Ground Ghost
#282 Cadavoir Cadavoir Ground Ghost
#283 Droplit Droplit Water Water
#284 Niagrain Niagrain Water Flying
#285 Shroophae Shroophae Poison Ground
#286 Fungaloom Fungaloom Poison Ground
#287 Sparkoth Sparkoth Grass Electric
#288 Moweroth Moweroth Grass Electric
#289 Poactriking Poactriking Grass Electric
#290 Hearcada Hearcada Fairy Fairy
#291 Heartlesk Heartlesk Fairy Dark
#292 Nobodinja Nobodinja Fairy Ghost
#293 Nemur Nemur Water Water
#294 Anemoned Anemoned Water Poison
#295 Exemone Exemone Water Poison
#296 Mossita Mossita Grass Rock
#297 Rolyamoss Rolyamoss Grass Rock
#298 Rojoma Rojoma Fire Fire
#299 Moltpice Moltpice Ice Fire
#300 Blitty Blitty Steel Ice
#301 Coolcatty Coolcatty Steel Ice
#302 Sabroach Sabroach Bug Fighting
#303 Mawvenus Mawvenus Grass Flying
#304 Spinon Spinon Dragon Ghost
#305 Femuron Femuron Dragon Ghost
#306 Skelegron Skelegron Dragon Ghost
#307 Mediwind Mediwind Flying Flying
#308 Medairth Medairth Flying Ground
#309 Kindlike Kindlike Fire Fire
#310 Stumplaze Stumplaze Fire Grass
#311 Pleedle Pleedle Ghost Normal
#312 Micabre Micabre Normal Ghost
#313 Vermeat Vermeat Dark Poison
#314 Illoathe Illoathe Dark Poison
#315 Roselyth Roselyth Fairy Dragon
#316 Gultide Gultide Ground Water
#317 Swabeach Swabeach Ground Water
#318 Carbolt Carbolt Electric Rock
#319 Sharpebolt Sharpebolt Electric Rock
#320 Ujamer Ujamer Bug Dark
#321 Ujadalord Ujadalord Bug Dark
#322 Foamel Foamel Normal Water
#323 Geyserupt Geyserupt Normal Water
#324 Torchill Torchill Psychic Ice
#325 Sponyx Sponyx Fighting Rock
#326 Wallopig Wallopig Fighting Rock
#327 Casinda Casinda Psychic Dark
#328 Trapunk Trapunk Dark Dark
#329 Motorava Motorava Dark Steel
#330 Gangon Gangon Dark Steel
#331 Locnea Locnea Bug Bug
#332 Locusturne Locusturne Bug Flying
#333 Smoglu Smoglu Poison Flying
#334 Noxioura Noxioura Poison Flying
#335 Blitzoose Blitzoose Electric Fire
#336 Sevyrm Sevyrm Ground Bug
#337 Lunark Lunark Cosmic Steel
#338 Solnova Solnova Cosmic Steel
#339 Holloach Holloach Grass Poison
#340 Ilexash Ilexash Grass Poison
#341 Corphist Corphist Fighting Fighting
#342 Samuraunt Samuraunt Fighting Fire
#343 Condentoy Condentoy Water Ghost
#344 Claypour Claypour Water Ghost
#345 Liscoop Liscoop Ground Dark
#346 Excaly Excaly Ground Dark
#347 Airith Airith Dragon Flying
#348 Wyveldo Wyveldo Dragon Flying
#349 Rootas Rootas Fairy Grass
#350 Royalotus Royalotus Fairy Grass
#351 Amalgaform Amalgaform ??? ???
#352 Rustiage Rustiage Steel Grass
#353 Gleeppet Gleeppet Fairy Fairy
#354 Banetteer Banetteer Fairy Fighting
#355 Medikull Medikull Poison Psychic
#356 Mediklops Mediklops Poison Poison
#357 Thunderius Thunderius Dragon Electric
#358 Dewecho Dewecho Flying Water
#359 Chansol Chansol Psychic Normal
#360 Oognaut Oognaut Bug Bug
#361 Nibbrunt Nibbrunt Bug Bug
#362 Grarmor Grarmor Bug Steel
#363 Sphealed Sphealed ??? ???
#364 Senleash Senleash ??? Dragon
#365 Eldreign Eldreign ??? Dragon
#366 Eggperl Eggperl Dragon Dragon
#367 Huntoar Huntoar Dragon Flying
#368 Goreyriss Goreyriss Dragon Psychic
#369 Kevlaranth Kevlaranth Normal Steel
#370 Coldisc Coldisc Ice Electric
#371 Beakon Beakon Normal Flying
#372 Eggon Eggon Normal Flying
#373 Talomence Talomence Normal Flying
#374 Chunkum Chunkum Ground Rock
#375 Orrtang Orrtang Ground Rock
#376 Subterras Subterras Ground Rock
#377 Regilectric Regilectric Electric Electric
#378 Regifire Regifire Fire Fire
#379 Regiwater Regiwater Water Water
#380 Soulias Soulias Flying Normal
#381 Soulios Soulios Normal Flying
#382 Kyever Kyever Steel Ghost
#383 Yggdradon Yggdradon Dragon Grass
#384 Ralmighty Ralmighty ??? ???
#385 Metroid Metroid Bug Electric
#386 Byoxys Byoxys Fairy Poison

Generation 4: Sinnoh

Dex no. Pokémon Type
#407 Roslegeorn Roslegeorn Fairy Dragon
#424 Turntaypom Turntaypom Electric Steel
#429 Blizmaiden Blizmaiden Fairy Ice
#430 Particrow Particrow Electric Fairy
#447 Violu Violu Dark Poison
#448 Nefario Nefario Dark Poison
#461 Kunaivile Kunaivile Fighting Steel
#462 Stalagcola Stalagcola Ice Water
#463 Reeficoral Reeficoral Rock Water
#464 Dracperior Dracperior Dragon Dragon
#465 Lazzplug Lazzplug Electric Electric
#466 Necratomic Necratomic Ghost Fire
#467 Plasmission Plasmission Electric Poison
#468 Tocean Tocean Water Water
#469 Dronmega Dronmega Steel Flying
#470 Barbeon Barbeon Poison Poison
#471 Senseion Senseion Fighting Fighting
#472 Glimpale Glimpale Bug Poison
#473 Mamothicket Mamothicket Water Grass
#474 Viragon-GP Viragon-GP Poison Poison
#475 Cadaroah Cadaroah Ground Fighting
#476 Eruptice Eruptice Ice Fire
#477 Mediplague Mediplague Poison Psychic
#478 Gorgolass Gorgolass Bug Rock

Generation 5: Unova

Dex no. Pokémon Type
#556 Freezulb Freezulb Ice Electric
#592 Frilazhu Frilazhu Fire Fairy
#593 Yanhuocent Yanhuocent Fire Fairy

Generation 6: Kalos

Dex no. Pokémon Type

Generation 7: Alola

Dex no. Pokémon Type

Generation 8: Galar

Dex no. Pokémon Type
#814 Rabsuke Rabsuke Dark Fighting
#831 Steeloo Steeloo Steel Steel
#832 Titaniool Titaniool Steel Steel
#865 Sirgan'c Sirgan'c Grass Flying

Original Creations

Dex no. Pokémon Type
#000 MissingNo MissingNo ??? Normal
#998 Pemdashion Pemdashion Ghost Normal
#999 Chairipick Chairipick Normal Dark